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16 Journal Prompts for Pivoting into Business & Tech Roles

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💡 Are you ready to make a pivot in your career?🚀

Like most of us adapting to this rapidly, changing workforce, your answer is probably YES. If so, that's great news because you are in the right place!


As a career pivoter, people will often tell you that not only should you pivot into business and tech roles, but you should also always go for the role that pays the most. These roles are typically engineering, data science and other extremely technical roles. However, what if those types of jobs are simply not interesting to you? Does that mean you have to completely quit on the idea of transitioning? ABSOLUTELY NOT.


If you are in the career exploration stage of pivoting, this product is FOR YOU! With these journal prompts, you will spend time asking yourself a series of questions to truly get to the root of what you really want out of your career. For some of you, it's money. For others, it's fulfillment. What if you can have both? Don't rule that out as an option. Take your time answering these questions and you will identify a path that makes the most sense for you.


You should view responses to these questions as a love letter to yourself. See it as means of hope and accountability. What you write, will serve as a foundation for the next phase: actively job searching. The 2024 job market is tough, but your ambition is tougher. Whenever you feel discouraged, look back at these answers and remind yourself that quitting is not an option. Rejection is means of redirection and the only path you seek is a winning path, no matter how long it takes.


16 Journal Prompts for Career Pivoting into Business & Tech Roles. This is broken down into four categories with four questions per category. These include:

  • Exploring Your Sentiment Towards Your Own Career Wellness
  • Understanding Your Skill-Set
  • Determining Your Next Opportunity
  • Exploring Your Current Proximity to Resources


  • Purchase and download this worksheet.
  • To store your journal responses, create a Google/Microsoft Word document or purchase a notebook.
  • Kick off your career pivoting journey to prepare you for 2024 success.


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16 Journal Prompts for Pivoting into Business & Tech Roles

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