2024 Goal Setting (Using the 8 Areas of Wellness)

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🥅 It's timeeeee! Your favorite 2024 Goal Setting Session has arrived! 🥅

Welcome to a transformative journey towards achieving your aspirations with my 2024 Goal Setting Template! Designed to empower you in all facets of your life, this comprehensive template revolves around the eight areas of wellness, ensuring a holistic approach to goal setting and personal growth.

Why is Goal Setting Important?

Setting goals provides a roadmap for success, guiding you towards your dreams with purpose and clarity. By focusing on different aspects of wellness, you'll cultivate a balanced and fulfilling life, fostering progress in areas such as physical health, emotional well-being, career growth, and more.

🎯 What The Template Consists Of:

  • A set of instructions on how to use the slides in this Canva template
  • An explanation of the 8 areas of wellness
  • Ability to rate, then, explain your wins and losses of 2023 prior to actual 2024 goal setting
  • Establish a theme, mission, and quote that sets the tone for 2024
  • Establish your goals and quarterly "micro" goals for each main goal you set
  • Create affirmations to uplift you throughout the year
  • Create your own digital vision board

🛠️ How to Use:

  • Click on the Canva link.
  • Create a copy of the template (Note: The link is a "view-only" link meaning that you cannot edit this particular document. Making a copy of this in Canva will allow you to make edits within the template. Please feel free to reach out if you have any issues with it.)


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2024 Goal Setting (Using the 8 Areas of Wellness)

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